
Showing posts from August, 2022

Chozhas - A naval power from South India

 Happy independence day Hello everyone, welcome aboard the guru time traveller. Today we will be travelling to the 10 th century to visit the Chozha dynasty, the largest south Indian kingdom to ever exist. When you think about the Chozhas you usually think about the 1000 year old Bhrahadheshwara temple in Tanjavur or the 2000 year old Kallanai dam across Cauvery river. But do you know that they were the only Indian kingdom to conquer territories outside of the Indian subcontinent. So, lets have a look at the Chozha history in detail. The Chozha era can be split into two phases: The Early Chozhas   This era is from   600 BCE to 300 CE. King Karikalan is the most famous Chozha king of that era. Not much information is known about the Early Chozhas. Later Chozhas: This is the golden age of Chozhas. This era started from 850 CE. n   850 CE, Vijayala Chozha was the first king of this era.   He captured Thanjavur and declared independence from the Pallavas...